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Security issues

Ensure the security of our customers' data is a big responsibility. We therefore work hard to protect our customers from the latest dangers on the Internet. Your input and feedback on our security is greatly appreciated.


Report security issues

Please send urgent or sensitive reports directly to security@bookingexperts.nl. We will get back to you as soon as possible (usually within a few hours). For reports that are not urgent or sensitive, please send a message to support@bookingexperts.nl.

Detecting and disclosing security issues

We work with security researchers with the goal of being at the forefront of Internet security. Have you found a weakness in our security that may affect our application? Please let us know. If you submit a report, we will take the following steps:

  1. We will acknowledge your report and indicate the best way to track the status regarding your report;
  2. We will investigate the problem and determine how it affects our application. We will not disclose the problem until our investigation is complete. Of course, we will work with you to make sure we fully understand your report;
  3. When the problem is resolved, we will send a security update to those affected who may have been inconvenienced;
  4. We will thank you (depending on the impact) and acknowledge the discovery.