We know only too well, that a bureaucratic effort often takes up your valuable time. When you enter the data of your guests, this is first done in your hotel program and then again in the registration program of your community.
With our solution, we have created the possibility to automatically extract the registration data from BookingExperts and to transfer it to the registration program of your community.
Supported Features
Our integration …
- automates the registration and de-registration of guest reservations
- supports the full registration process, including check-in, guest stay extension and reservation detail changes
- supports person- and age-dependent reductions
- includes automatic data correction to avoid registration errors
- allows pre-registration of guest reservations
- enables the issuing of guest cards through the registration vendors
- supports the direct transmission of digital guest cards via E-Mail (AVS)
- assigns registration numbers in sequential order without gaps (Feratel)
- auto-extends available registration numbers (Feratel)
- provides immediate feedback in case of registration errors
By installing our app, you connect your BookingExperts PMS to our guest registration platform. In order to start sending out guest registrations to the registration vendor of your community, please …
- sign the quote for using our solution
- accept the data processing agreement
- provide the connection details for your registration vendor
Please request a quote or book a meeting with us. We are happy to assist you during the onboarding process!
With us, you always get the Best Available Rate. Our rates consist of …
- a one-time activation fee of EUR 750,00
- a recurring usage fee of EUR 1,40 per room and month
About us
Our goal is to support our customers in their challenging everyday lives. We ourselves come from the hotel industry and know only too well, how time-consuming routine tasks are. The less you and your staff have to do, the more time you have for personal contact with your guests.
We started our career in the hotel business more than 20 years ago. We have gained a lot of expertise in hotel consulting, project management and software development, and each of us has specialised in his or her field. However, one thing has remained constant until today: our love for tourism.
For us, digitalisation is not a passing trend, we enable and live it every day. We are convinced that we can make manual and time-consuming activities more efficient with the help of our digital solutions.
For a full overview of our company and our integrations, please visit us at www.friva.at or book a meeting with us. We look forward to speaking with you!